We accept major credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard. All payments are processed securely through our platform. At this time, we do not accept PayPal or bank transfers.

Yes, we take security seriously. All payment information is encrypted and processed securely, ensuring that your data is protected.

You will be charged as soon as your order is confirmed. You’ll receive a confirmation email immediately after the payment is processed.

Currently, we only accept one payment method per transaction. Please choose your preferred payment option at checkout.

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Payments may be declined for several reasons: insufficient funds, incorrect card details, or a bank authorization issue. Please verify your information or contact your bank if the issue persists.

Yes, once your order is confirmed and payment is processed, you will receive an invoice by email. This invoice includes the order summary and payment details.

Refunds are processed to the original payment method used at checkout. Unfortunately, we cannot refund to a different card or account.